Getting Here

- Exit the Airport area on Vanowen Street Westbound
- West on Vanowen Street to make a left onto Laurel Canyon Blvd
- South on Laurel Canyon Blvd. to make a right on Victory Blvd
- West on Victory Blvd. to enter Highway 170 Southbound
- Follow 170 to the Ventura Freeway 101 Westbound
- In Ventura, Exit 101 at Route 33 Ojai, Ojai is 14 miles from this point
- After about seven miles, the freeway will change into a two-lane road and will take you through the communities of Casitas Springs and Oak View
- Approximately 2.0 miles past the intersection of Highway 33/150 and Baldwin Road, you will cross Maricopa Highway; continue to Country Club Drive
- Turn right onto Country Club Drive, and then make an immediate right onto Country Club Road and proceed to the resort Bell Stand

- Exit the Airport area and proceed Northbound on the 405
- Exit 405 for the Ventura Freeway 101 North, towards Ventura, CA
- Stay on 101 for about 50 miles, and then exit on Highway 33 North to Ojai, Ojai is 14 miles from this point
- After about seven miles, the freeway will change into a two-lane road and will take you through the communities of Casitas Springs and Oak View
- Approximately 2.0 miles past the intersection of Highway 33/150 and Baldwin Road, you will cross Maricopa Highway; continue to Country Club Drive
- Turn right onto Country Club Drive, and then make an immediate right onto Country Club Road and proceed to the resort Bell Stand

Exit the Airport area and proceed Eastbound on the Ventura Freeway 101 through Santa Barbara.
Two options:
- Scenic Route (not recommended in rain, night, or for those unfamiliar with the road!)
- Highway Route

Scenic Route (not recommended in rain, night, or for those unfamiliar with the road!)
- Exit 101 at Route 150 (Casitas Pass Road), following 150 past Lake Casitas make a left onto Ojai Avenue at Baldwin Road and then make a right at the signal for Country Club Drive
Highway Route
- Exit 101 at Route 33 Ojai, Ojai is 14 miles from this point
- After about seven miles, the freeway will change into a two-lane road and will take you through the communities of Casitas Springs and Oak View
- Approximately 2.0 miles past the intersection of Highway 33/150 and Baldwin Road, you will cross Maricopa Highway; continue to Country Club Drive
- Turn right onto Country Club Drive, and then make an immediate right onto Country Club Road and proceed to the Bell Stand